Behavior change is possible.

Relationship-focused dog training.

Our dogs are family. That’s why Jumpstart Dog Training uses modern methods that are humane, effective, and backed by science.

We specialize in separation anxiety, leash reactivity, confidence building in fearful dogs, and puppy/adolescent training.

We offer in-person and remote training. All ages, breeds, and behavior histories are welcome.

Ultimately, we want what is best for you and your dog and promise to offer resources and referrals, even if that means you don't work with us.

Relationship Building in Action

We think training should be fun and rewarding for both you and your dog. As a Jumpstart student you will learn through fun games, hands-on practice, and bite-sized theory. Families will learn how to modify behavior, create management plans, and maintain results.

Oh, and we’ll teach some cute tricks along the way!


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