I love all dogs; I really do. - Antoni Porowski
I’ve been a dog nerd my entire life, including sporting an ASPCA sticker on my elementary school planner & asking a vet if I could intern at the age of 10 (they said to come back when I was older).
I started my career as a dog walker. I walked a lot of stressed-out dogs & wanted to help. I’ve been hooked on training & behavior work ever since. I’ve learned from some of the best minds in the industry including Grisha Stewart, Turid Rugaas, Kim Rappaport (assistant to the late, great Dr. Sophia Yin) as well as continuing education through the Karen Pryor Academy. For four years, I taught puppy socialization classes, agility, & AKC Canine Good Citizen prep classes at a local dog training school.
I was immediately drawn to working with puppies, rescue dogs, & dogs deemed anxious, fearful, & aggressive. I focused my training on prevention & rehabilitation through positive methods.
My ultimate goal is to coach pet parents through the behavior change process, which can be challenging for the dog & their family. I want families to feel confident in their ability to effectively manage & change difficult behaviors in a fun & rewarding way. It is this passion that drove me to start Jumpstart Dog Training.
Guess whose dog is also working through behavior issues? My dog, Winter.
I adopted her on 7/22/20. She came home emaciated with a skin condition requiring painful cleaning procedures for several months.
Needless to say, our start was rocky. Winter, like many found animals, was nervous, overwhelmed, reactive, and a constant scavenger. Garbage du jour, anyone?
I’m super proud of her progress. She continues to improve her skills and challenge mine, plus she keeps me laughing.
You can follow her journey on Instagram:
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